A couple weekends ago we had some out of town friends staying with us while they looked for apartments deciding whether or not to move to Charlotte. Of course my husband and I rolled out the red carpet which involved stops at some of our favorite breweries and barbecue spots. Somehow after a day of beer drinking and meat eating we thought it would be a good idea to stop by the grocery store to buy up all the flavors of Oreos we could find and fixings for some root beer floats. The girls were in charge of the Oreos (we left with 6 of the over 10 possible flavors), the boys were responsible for the root beer floats.
Somehow they ended up with some Not Your Father’s Root Beer. Typical boys right? If you haven’t had it before, it tastes EXACTLY like root beer, but is alcoholic. It’s very dangerous. And you know what makes it even more dangerous? Pouring it over vanilla ice cream.
Seriously, It had been a while since I had a root beer float, but man they are good. And I am not sure it it was all the Oreos are the kick in the root beer, but this was the best root beer float I have had. Creamy, sweet, refreshing, with a bit of a kick.
I know there are some other brands of alcoholic root beer, but this is the only one I have had and can vouch for. If you can’t get your hands on some but still want to make your own adult root beer float, I would recommend adding a shot of vanilla vodka. I mean, if you really wanted to have a party you could add the vodka with the alcoholic root beer and I bet it would be amazing.
So if you want to have some nostalgic fun this Memorial Day weekend, make yourself your own Not Your Father’s Root Beer Float (or any adult root beer float). I promise it will bring back some childhood memories with all the grown up benefits!
Have a safe and happy holiday weekend!